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  • Holt, D. (2017) The Paulley Case Explained - Available here

  • Holt, D. (2016) Autonomy: A Means of Achieving a CRPD - Compliant Capacity Regime 2 YHRL - Available here

  • Holt, D. and Connolly, P. (2015) Disability Rights UK’s Supplementary Submission to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Equality Act 2010 and Disability - Available here

  • Holt, D. (2015) House of Lords: Keeping the Expertise, Live Encounters (September 2015), p.39 – Magazine is available online here and the article can be found here 

  • Holt, D. (2014) The History of Human Rights, Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre Blog – Now available here;

  • Holt, D. (2014) Domestic Violence: A Public Matter to Which the State Has Responsibilities To Prevent, Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre Blog – Now available here;

  • Holt, D. (2014) Revenge Porn: The Case for Reform, Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre Blog – Now available here;

  • Holt, D. (2014) Snowed Over with Controversy: The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics and Russia’s LGBTI Laws, The Advocate (April 2014), p.13 – available here;

  • Holt, D. (2013) Reasonable Adjustments Explained, Being Disabled in a Normal Society - available here.


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